You've made your wisdom teeth extraction appointment, and you're ready. Right? But before heading out to the oral surgeon's office, spend some time prepping at home. Having everything that you'll need to support your post-op care already waiting for you when you get home makes it easier to start the healing process. So what do you need to keep yourself comfortable in the days following your procedure?
Prescribed Medications
If you're only experiencing mild pain, your surgeon may okay you to take over the counter meds.
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As time progresses, your face incurs the signs of aging, such as wrinkles and sagging skin. However, there are certain physical conditions, such as the loss of your teeth, that can cause you to look even older than you are.
The loss of a tooth affects the overall appearance of your face. However, restorative applications, such as dental implants can help you retain a youthful look. Here are a few of the aging effects of tooth loss that can be erased by the installation of dental implants:
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Now that you've reached the mid-point in your life, you need to start paying closer attention to your teeth. This is when serious dental problems can kick in. If you're visiting your dentist at least twice a year, they'll be able to monitor your teeth and gums for changes that might be occurring. However, if you're not seeing your dentist as often as you should, you might not be aware of the changes that are taking place inside your mouth.
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The installation process for an inlay and onlay dental restoration involves removing the decayed areas of the tooth in order to make room for the restoration. This process can result in some tooth sensitivity once it is done. This happens because the healthy parts of the tooth are often removed in order to make sure that all of the decay has been thoroughly removed. While the sensitivity should reduce overtime, dealing with it can quickly make the recovery process uncomfortable.
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If you have lost a tooth, your dentist may suggest a dental implant to replace it. A dental implant is a dental application that includes a rod or screw that is surgically positioned in your jawbone at the site of the lost tooth.
Once the implant has been placed, it connects to the bone of your jaw over the next few months. This fusion process, which is termed osseointegration, helps ensure that the dental implant is secure and will not move about.
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